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Ted O'Neill

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Posts By Ted O'Neill

LA Next Week

Next week, I'll be back in LA with Chris and it looks like we will be extremely busy.  Aside from continuing our documentary about Jason Falkner, who is starting to record a new record, we have booked time in a recording studio so we can bring in...

The Other Frankel

Some of you may know that our own Boaz Frankel is a huge kazoo afficiando.  Tonight, April and did an interview with Michael Orendy of musical group Frankel (I use the term group loosely, however, because he is really a one-man band). ...

Jonny Polonsky In Studio

I can still remember the first time I heard Jonny Polonsky's debut record, "Hi, My Name Is Jonny".  The songs exploded out my speakers with an infectious energy that was completely authentic.  Here was  melody and passion in songs that...

A Crime at Half Eleven

Woe is the state of music these days.  There seems to be very few outlets for quality music on the radio, and the entire industry is undergoing an almost geologic shift that has companies, artists, and middle men surfing on shaky ground. Last...

Night at the Museum Premiere

It's the premiere of Night at the Museum at New York's Natural History Museum!  Boaz dresses up for the red carpet, hangs out with Ben Stiller, gets picked on by Ricky Gervais, and receives the snub from Mickey Rooney.  Plus- high fives from...
